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Software repositories

This is our open source software that supports you with nanopublication technology.


Nanodash is our nanopublication user interface and API provider. It offers easy-to-use templates for nanopublication creation, custom feeds, a search function, and it connects to journals for formal publication with academic articles.

GitHub For academic publishers


Nanopub-java is a Java library for handling nanopublications. This is currently the most advanced implementation of nanopublications, covering hash-based identifier generation, digital signatures, nanopublication indexes, and more.


Nanopub Query

Nanopub Query is the second-generation service for querying published nanopublications using SPARQL. To make querying fast and scalable, it provides many separate triple stores, each covering a specific subset of all nanopublications.


Nanopub Registry

Nanopub Registry is the second-generation nanopublication publishing and retrieval service. It is still under development, and will replace the first-generation nanopub servers when fully implemented.
