Nanodash is a web tool that provides a novel way of sharing scientific knowledge, which is complementary to traditional scientific papers. Authors can easily publish single findings in a format that enables precise citation, automatic aggregation, and faster dissemination. Nanodash is delivered as a lightweight Software-as-a-Service and connects to an open knowledge platform. It integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, as well as with a global network.
Nanodash is a groundbreaking enhancement for your journal system and an affordable investment in your future. It provides:
✔ Increased visibility, citability, dissemination, and brand awareness
✔ Increased author engagement and retention through features for novelty flagging, interactive portfolio of own findings, AI readiness, increased findability, nuanced peer credit, and interaction
✔ A novel approach to the digital transformation, automation, and implementing the FAIR principles
The underlying technology, called nanopublication, is a new but proven format that is simpler, faster, and more precise than traditional publication. It is AI-compliant, FAIR by design, both human-readable and machine-interpretable, and serves three main purposes:
(1) straightforward semantic publishing of scientific statements;
(2) open annotation and reviews; and
(3) seamless linking between platforms and research domains.
Nanopublication is not only a format, but also a platform. For the technically-minded: Nanopublications are interconnected knowledge graph snippets with rich provenance, represented in RDF and published in an open, decentralized, and reliable server network that easily connects to other platforms such as Wikidata and Crossref.
Nanopublication may be a new format for many people, but it's not rocket science. It's just an innovative combination of well-established web standards. And it’s also not that new: The concept of nanopublication dates back to 2009. Since then, the format has evolved, and several generations of applications and services have been built around it.
A yearly subscription to Nanodash, which includes the two components Nanodash UI and Nanodash API, offers the following:
✔ Easy journal integration: Lightweight connection of your journal system to the open knowledge platform with Nanodash UI and Nanodash API
✔ Unlimited API calls, users, nanopublications (including paper annotations)
✔ Customized templates specific to your journals and APIs for showcasing your nanopublications on your websites and elsewhere
✔ Everything you need to get started and run the service: Set-up, education, support, and documentation
✔ Two spots in our quarterly Technology Workshop (full day, online)
✔ Direct contact with the team and responses to your questions within a working day
✔ Guaranteed uptime and long-term availability
✔ Freedom to operate: no lock-in, 100% open source and open protocols
Drop us a line at to start a conversation and get a quote and demo.